I have had the privilege of life-long good health and strength. Chalk it up to the vigilance of a mother, who before it was “cool”, in vogue, best practice believed in the benefits of unprocessed foods, fruits and veggies, seasonal eating and cooking “from scratch”. I was a child who had avocado and tomato sandwiches on pumpernickel bread for my lunches as a school kid. Often there were prunes or dates as a sweet—items I liked though secretly longing for a “Twinkie” or a “Ho Ho” like my classmates. We ate eggs throughout the era of “one a week to protect one from heart attacks”, butter in moderation, olive oil in our homemade dressings and bananas “a perfect food” as my mother used to say. She believed that what is most natural is God-given and messing it up with preservatives can only be harmful. Hence, perhaps my years of optimal wellness.

Now, as a very senior Senior I am experiencing an unrelenting and challenging pain from the ramifications of back degeneration. I am living with multiple opinions, conflicting views on how to move forward, how to alleviate or even modify the pain. Medication? Western medicine versus Integrative Medicine? Surgery versus long term physical therapy? Massage? Essential oils?  Healing prayer? Any or all of the above?

My own particular journey is not the essential point of this writing piece. I am thinking of those I love most in the world, family and dear friends. I am thinking of my brave clients who have navigated physical pain and ill health for years more than I have. I am thinking of the deep grief we all acknowledge we carry along with the possibilities of deep joy that is ours as citizens of our beautiful broken planet. I identify in a way as never before with how wearing, anxiety producing, well-being eroding physical pain can be. Also how confusing. 

What is helping? As in our Grief Journeys, Physical Pain Journeys key us into the mutuality of shared suffering. Lean in, as they say, to those who love us most, to Faith that gives perspective, to loving the world and those in it, all made in the Image of God. There is music that in its loveliness causes tears to run down our cheeks. There are conversations profound in their shared humanity, their honesty. There are sorrows too deep for words, left unsaid but heard on a level as never before. Vulnerability, a gift. And there are books! 

Today is Saturday. I’m sitting up in bed writing. It’s late morning. I can see beyond my deck that geraniums still shout red, back in commission after the rains. I can see 300 year old oaks standing stalwart, their leaves quivering gently. Even in the pain this view is life-giving.

I am grateful for years of good health. I comprehend physical pain as never before. For all those who are suffering in whatever manner, body, mind or spirit. I join you with great care and Agape Love.